What did you learn today?


Posted by debbiestephens | Posted in Learning | Posted on October 18, 2011

What did you create today?

What did your teacher learn today?

What do you want to know more about?

Who did you share with today?

Comments (175)

I shared with Mrs. Guest yesterday about doing a screencast. We took our time so that she could do a screencast again with her class perhaps. I had fun because I am not an “expert” so we problem solved together.

Yesterday Samhitha created a new way to fix my problem with my social studies timeline. When white-out didn’t work, she told me to tape paper on it instead. Thanks to Samhitha’s creative thinking, I didn’t have to restart my timeline. I sincerely thank her creative mind.

Katie, I didn,t do it alone. You helped come up with it.

But you did most of it.

We are all trying to learn to problem solve. I t is so important to think through and discover answers to problems.

Today, I shared my good feelings about my classmates for most anyone to see. I shared them anonymously, but I still said the meaningful words from the bottom of my heart. I wish I had more time to share more of my compliments, but it is what it is. I hope I made many people feel better about their lives.

P.S. For everone reding this, I was the one who wrote in purple, red, green, blue, cayenn, pink, and purple. I signed “Anonymous.”

I want to know more about the story we were reading during reading called Three Skeleton Key. So far it has been pretty interesting. I don’t really get the foreshadowing chart that we had to do but the story has been good. So far the story is a little gross and interesting and I cant wait to find out what will happen next!

On Friday I helped a new student with a technology project. She didn’t know how to put pictures on her classes wiki page. It made me feel good inside. It was also very funny, because I barely know how to do it myself. We shared many smiles that day. Sadly, I didn’t catch her name. This also helps with the goal I have set for myself. My goal is to try to help 100 people this year. 😀 One down, ninety-nine to go! 🙂

So far I have actually helped by sending old clothes of my family’s and shoes and stuffed animals and toys to the American Kidney Foundation. We have been doing it for a while and got the letter back that said we have helped a thousand people this year so far.(school year) Yay! 😀

This week I learned about a genre of books. In reading we are reading science fiction. I have never read a science fiction book, so it fascinated me. After reading the two stories I really want to read a science fiction book. 🙂

On Friday, I wanted to learn more about the story we read in reading class. It is called the Three Skeleton Key. The story was great because it has plenty of excitement and many details so you can almost see the pictures of the story in your mind. I can’t wait to finish the stary because it keeps getting better in ever sentence read. The foreshadowing wasn’t as that great, but I think that the story Three Skeleton Key, is a great example. I wonder whats next in the story?

This whole week has been very fun and exciting. From working on my social studies timeline to telling people compliments on sheets of paper. With the social studies timeline I learned that to get something exactly how you want it, you have to put forth your best effort and a lot of time. With the compliment sheets it felt good for me to say nice things about other people. They came from my heart and I think that is what everyone cared about, the time that was spent to say nice things about one another. I know jumped inside while reading all of the compliments and I hope others did too!

Today I learned so many interesting things. I had to do some makeup work because I was sick Friday. In math, we learned our groups for the stock market game that we will be starting on Halloween. In Mrs. Stephens reading class, we are studying for a test on the Three Skeleton Keys. Today, I think social studies was my subject because we are starting to learn a little about the Mesopotamia. I think it is a interesting subject. At the end of the day, we got to meet our bookbudies in Mrs. Smiths class. My bookbudy is Khushi. She is really nice and smart.We got to do poems and stories about Halloween. I am having a great week so far!

Think about when you really feel like you are learning and when you do not. Share your ideas.

I learned a new way of looking at stories. We are reading “Tree Skeleton Key” and I didn’t know how to look at foreshadowing clues. After we got more in the story I started to realize what foreshadowing clues were. I also learned that guessing the prediction can be fun because sometime your wrong. I am very glad that I learned an new way of looking at stories.

Today, I decided that I want to learn more about the solar system. Before school I was watching a show about a moon orbitting saturn. I discovered that it is the place closest like earth. It is covered in ice and lakes of acid but it has many landforms like the grand canyon. The whole time I watched that show I wanted to know more, and I thought how much scientist must want to know about those distant places.

So interesting, Jack! It is fun to learn about things that just capture our interest.

What do you want to know more about?

I want to know what classes we have at Main campus. I also want to know where everything is so I will know where to go.

Today, I learned that seventh grade will become harder. Today was the Pep Rally at Main Campus. I was shadowed by Ryan, who was in a few Honors classes. These classes are harder than I expected. good luck to all!

I had so much fun today.Today I learened that seventh grade will be fun and difficult.I also desided that I will try to be more organized at main campus.I cant wait untill seventh grade.

What would you like to learn this year to help you feel ready for seventh grade?

This week I learned about how life will be at the main campus. The campus was very large, but the class sizes were small. I went to class with Simren, and I had a wonderful time.

On Thursday I learned that main Campus classes are very difficult. Another thing I learned, was that although the teachers are a bit strict, kids there have more freedom. In lunch, they can either go to the lounge, sit outside, or sit inside. I wanted to know more about the video we were watching in social studies. I didn’t really understand what was happening. 🙂

Last Thursday I went to main campus and learned that seventh grade is more difficult than I thought. Vamsi, my shadow, was in eighth grade algebra and I couldn’t understand what the teacher was saying. In English, they had to know fifty or sixty words. At lunch they have thirty minutes to eat. They can pay one dollar for pizza or eat at the cafeteria. In Life Science, they were learning about fungi and protist. On Friday in science, we also studied fungi and protist. If I understand fungi and protist, I would be ready for it in seventh grade.

Last week I learned that sometimes people you think are your friends, sometimes turn out not to be. I had a friend that was being really nice to me but then just decided to pretty much hate me. I wish that would not have happened. I need to remembecr things happen for a reason! 🙂

Thank you for sharing about this because everyone can learn from you. It is so hard to be a good friend so I have learned to try to be patient and understanding until that person is ready to explain what happened. I have also learned to try my best to be a good friend and that just might be the lesson learned here. Love your sharing!!!

I created an account for noodle login. I listened to the instructions given to me to help me create one. Now Ii have one and I am ready to use it!

Tori, How did it feel to do this using a screencast for directions? Is this a good way to learn tho do things? Could you make directions for someone else? Tell me more:)

I like watching the videos about what we are suppose to do to create the account and it’s easier to do because you don’t have to write down all the steps. It’s an easier way to learn because someone else is telling me the directions and I can tell other people where to go to and tell them about the video they can watch to help them create their accounts. 🙂

Today, I created a college in art with Samhitha. In our college, we have flowers, grass, a light house, an ocean, and a sun set. It is made out of paper, fabric, magazines, and other scrapes. I think it is going to turn out very well!

Today I learned that it is easyer to just say sorry.One of my friends if very competitive and we get in a fight alot if were on diffenrent team.I dont like being mad at her so at the end of the game this time I said sorry for every thing and everything was OK.

I am working with Aalima and Anum in art club on projects for teachers. We are making a pumpkin night for Mrs.Morgan and next we are going to make something for Mr.Key and Couch Brown, but we are not sure what yet. We enjoy making big projects last year we made a destroyed city, a clean city, and a bridge to connect them, but we decided that we worked to hard to give them away and we did not know who we would give them to. In art club we are always learning a new way to be creative. It is our favorite lunch time activity.

Today, I learned that with the help wit h friends and family, you can achieve anything. My father helped me my science project and it looks great. I am so happy to have people that care. Another example is my mom helping me with a problem in math that I didn’t understand. She is amazing at math because she is an accountent.

I wish you would ask your dad what HE learned from helping you!!! Let us know.

This week I did a social studies project with Jack, Aalima, and Rebecca. I like working in a group because I can listen to other ideas. Some of them I like, and the others I don’t like as much. Everyone has their speciality. I look forward to doing more group projects.

This week I worked with Austin, Alex, and Maddy on a Sumerian city of our own. I think that we did very well! Yesterday I also learned a little something about friendship. I learned that your true best friends will feel like a sister or brother to you. I think everyone deserves to have at least one best friend!

Over this weekend I created a Gatorade/Sprite popsicle. I don’t know how I came up with it, but it was fun. My favorite part was when I took my first like, and I felt as if I was a food-creating master! This was very tasteful, and I hope all of Mrs. Stephens class can create something like this!

This post was from Alex Rand.

This week I learned that teamwork might make a project harder. By harder I mean a lot more arguing. When we did our city-state projects, my group argued over the size of a person for about ten minutes. Finally we made the people all kinds of different shapes and sizes.

I want to know more about ERB’s. I want to know why we have them and will we have them next year. I hope to find out more about ERB’s.

I want to know more about honors art and how to make a portfolio. I also want to know more about Ancient Egypt, but I will learn more about that in tec yes. I have many things I want to learn about the world, but these are the two I have questions in my head about right know.

Today, I learned how much I love to write. Today, I felt sad that we couldn’t write open mike in English. I though about how all day I was looking forward to writing my heart out. Tomorow I am so excited to finish my last one-hundred to two-hundred words.

Last week, we had Halloween. I went Trick-Or-treating with Rehna, Phoebe, Catlian, Daisy, and lexi Fisher. We had a blast. We all went to so many houses and received so much candy. After that, the rest of the week was very normal.

Today, we started the ERB testing. This test last a week. We did 2 sections today which were vocabulary and I can’t remember the other part. After that, we had math. In math, we did the stock market. My group is doing very well and our tpstocks went up. Today, we didn’t have English or music. Instead, we had social studies and ERB’s. I hope I have another great day tomorrow.

I forgot to put that Sahiti went with us to.

Today, I learned that the ERB is important for all the classes next year. I also learned that in ultimate frisbee, you sometimes have to run the whole field to defend a player on the other team. I am beginning to learn much more because of this blog!

This week we have a new project that was assigned to us and it was to do a timeline on the early people. That week was the most creative project ever and it was fun learning how people lived back then.

This week such a blast for me we started our 2 day on stock market which is so fun, but sometimes it is a little confusing.We also went on a field trip to main campus and shadow somebody who was a Woodward North in sixth grade. I shadowed Neil Patel which was sometimes a little boring because we couldn’t do anything while they had to work. I learned so much about the middle school and what kind of freedom and assurance you get from each teacher.

This week we had a group project assigned to us and it was to make a city-state in each group. I worked with Payton and Alex M. for city-state. It took a lot o work and decisions to make the city-state rough draft or design. Eventually everybody gets used of whom they are working with. In my opinion, I think we should work with a different group for each activity, project, or assignment.

This week is ERB testing which is a pretty difficult week because of homework and other assignments that are due. I learned that Reading comprehension will go towards which classes you go in to, either honors or college prep and other class types. It counts for everything!

Today we have just finished ERB’s and I am glad it’s over. I learned that you should always have enough sleep before ERB’s because your brain will work better. If you don’t get enough sleep, your mind won’t work as well and you will forget the concept you are working on.

Last week was ERB testing. I don’t like having to do the ERBs, but I know that they will help to determine our classes for next year. From ERBs I learned that you need to get a reasonable amount of sleep each night, and you need to have a healthy and fulfilling breakfast every morning.

I want to know more about the Ancient Egyptian Mummies. That’s my question for tech yes. What were mummies made of? I’ve always wanted to learn about mummies and this is my chance!

Today, I learned that you can copy and paste into the Direct Quotation box in Noodle Tools. This makes it easier to make notes. My project is on Jews, and the information is plenty, so it makes it easier on me.(Don’t worry, I still read the information!) This information can help me on my tech yes project!

I learned that it is really hard to work in a group if you don’t do it often. I math we work in groups so that helps. For me it was difficult when I was in reading and we had to retake the test in the group. Thats hard to do because the last question was opionative and my group had differnt opinions. That was what I learnd.

I learned that if you just think a little harder you can come up with a better idea. Also there is always a better soultion or idea you just have to look for it. Without help we it can sometimes be harder to find the right idea, but if you organize and read information you will find the right project for you.

Today I learned that two heads are better than one. Phoebe and I were partners on a project in reading.We both found our answers and compared them.If we had different answers we gave our reason for our answers.Phoebe and I got an A on our project and we were very happy.

This week we sky ed with Professor Lloyd. He made me feel like Egypt was the best place in the world. I found it surprising that he had the knowledge to answer every question he was asked. I learned s many fascinating facts about Egypt, and I wish I had enough memory to remember it all. 🙂

Mrs. Stephens thank you for letting us Skype with Professor Lloyd.

Today, I learned that collecting pennies is harder than quarters. My grandmother gave me her collection in a book, and some coins were missing. She also gave m a huge vase of pennies to look through to see if the years on the pennies match the year in the hole in the book. I have looked through an estimate of 350 and did not find a single one from those years. So if you are thinking about collecting pennies, remember it will be harder than you think!

This is Alex Rand

I created some more thoughts on my noodle account for my tech yes project. I created some ideas of what I was going to put in my tech yes project.

Today I shared what I did over the break with my friends. The whole day all we didi was share story’s of anything interesting we did, someone said, or happened to someone we know over the break. I had so many storys to share with them and they had many to share with me too.

Today I learned what acts are in drama. Acts separate scenes in which drama takes place. Today in art we all had to create at least three cartoon characters and my favorite was strawberry superhero.

I learned that it takes a great dancer to get a new part ,that isn’t as important as the old one, and learn it without complaining.

I haven’t mastered that skill yet.

Today I learned how to multiply and divide fractions. I knew how to do this before, but I didn’t quite understand it. I was mixed up with negative numbers. In tutorial this morning, I finally understood how to multiply and divide fraction.

I am so sorry my last posts kept on earasing. I remember doing them, but my internet was having technical difficulties. One thing I learned, was that technology doesn’t always cooperate with you!!!! I also learned that even though I like technology, I like paper and pencils better. 😀

post for week of 11-3-11
This week in art club I learned that nothing is ever as easy as it seems. We were creating a pumpkin scene that was supposed to look…. well, good! but it was just the opposite. When it finished, we decided to portray it as funny instead of actually trying to make it good.!!!

Today, I learned that I want to learn about why the sky is blue. It really has nothing to do with what we learned in class that day. Well, first, we were re-reading He-y Come on Ou-t! and when I read the last page, I saw a blue sky and brown pebble, which got me thinking, why the sky is blue. Most people would answer its because God that made it that way. But why did he make it that way? I guess we will never know!

Today I learned that even though working with partners is good, yet bad. Trinity and I worked on a reading sheet, but when we compared our answers is when the trouble began. Most of our answers were different. On some of the answers that were different, we realized that we were wrong, and the other was right. But on some of them, we disagreed, and each claimed herself was right. On half of them, we put my answer, and vice versa. We got a B on that project 🙁 :…(

Today during our two tech yes periods I worked on my script for my project. I have found a lot of solid information to be able to incorporate into my skit. My three “actors” are Maddy, Tori, and Payton. I am very excited to have them help me with my skit. I think that it will turn out really great in the long run if I just take my time and make sure everything is prepared and ready to film!

I learned that being stage crew is more work that I expected it to be! I thought It was going tobereally easy but I spoke wrong.

This week I learned the when you get ready to preform a big musical it takes a lot of time, effort, and cooporation. Now I really understand how Ms. Morgan feels when we don’t listen. I like being a part of the musical, but it gets annoying when the fourth and fifth graders don’t listen, and we have to keep doing the same thing.

I learned that if you try your hardest and still fail then it is ok, but if you fail and didn’t try it is not ok.

I learned that you learn from your mistakes.

On Friday I started to think why were pyramids called pyramids? why weren’t they called camels? is pyramids some kind of symbolism, like Egyptians thought triangle structures should be called pyramids because on one pyramid, someone had engraved their name, which was pyramid? I am planning to do some major research! 😀

Today after we went to My House I started to wonder how people could be so abusive to young children. Within a couple of months these parents have made a child’s life so much harder. I wish the world could be perfect, but that is a impossible statement. Today I learned a new side of the world. A side I wish had never egsisted, but now that I know about it; I can do my best to improve it.o

I have learned in this past week that you have to overcome stage fright. I am in Odyssey of the Mind, so I have learned that acting is nerve racking. It is scarier doing it in front of people you know than doing in front of judges. A trick I learned during the “Emporors New Clothes” is to look at the people you don’t know. What do you think about stage fright?

I have learned that if you pretend not to have stage fright and be confident you will be.

Yesterday, the 6th graders went to My House. I learned that some parents don’t care about their babies. The babies’ lives were harder from when the parents abused them. We are fortunate how our parents love us. I really didn’t know that some parents are so mean to there babies.

I learned yesterday at My House that you can’t always have a perfect like you want it to be. Those kids have been abused or lived in dangerous places and it’s very harmful to live there. I am so glad that I went to help out and play with the babies. My favorite baby was Malikai. He was my favorite to play with.

At My House I learned that I am way to fortunate. The babies, there, inspired me to help other children in need. I will go back to My House and help the babies and children soon because I would feel like a honorable person. My favorites were Charlotte and Zach, who were both abused and born in terrible places. Good luck to the My House babies!

Yesterday was the most entertaining and sad day. We went to MyHouse to see to kids and the babies. We learned what happen to the babies and it was so sad to bare what everything caretaker said about the babies. The one that I felt most sad about was Malakai to

Yesterday I learned that not everyone is as fortonite as we are.The babies at My House were not lucky and were born to unloving homes.They were lucky enough to be in My House and be loved now.I will always be thankful for what I have.

I learned that I have a better life than I thought I did. When I went to my house, I felt really blessed to have a family to love me and to be in a house with great parents. I would do anything for the kids at my house who don’t have
a house and who wants a great family! The my house kids were really great and fun to spend time with! I’m glad I got to see them!!!:)

I learned that the kids at Myhouse were abused and tortured. We learned that if you take meth while you are pregnant your baby will not turn out heathly. I was attached to Malikai the most. As soon as I saw him I felt so lucky that I had parents that take care of me. Malikai was so sweet he ran up to me and gave my a hug and that felt so good.If he wanted to go somewhere he would come find Brad and me and hold our hands. When he saw a heart he would make a heart with his fingers. Make sure we always thank our parents for all they do. And always give.

Yesterday, we had to most emotional field trip. That field trip was to My House. We got to see all of the babies and learn why and what brought them to My House. All of the babies were so cheerful and sweet. There was one kid who was 4 years old named Malakia. He was so encouraging and just put a smile on every bodies faces. I can’t wait till we go back there in the spring!!

Yesterday at MyHouse I learned that no one can choose who their parents are or were. Some of the parents of the children were just not fit to take care of them so the babies were taken away from their mothers. I think that I attached more to Taegen more than any of the other babies. She was so sweet when she laid in your arms. She was so small for her age, and it made me want to cry. The main thing I learned was you cant take what you have for granted. All of the little kids at MyHouse were not treated very fairly, and they deserve to be loved and cared for. I loved being able to go and see the kids and play with them. I look foward to visiting again!

I also learned that a small gesture for us can make a big differance for others.We used some spare change to buy skittles and broght mony in for the My House babies.Everone in the school made a small donation by purchacing gift cards for them.This buys their grocries for most of the year.

Yesterday I learned how bad it is to take drugs. Not only can it mess up your body and kill you but it can also mess up your baby’s life. All the babies at My House were earthier abused or there parents left them when they were born. I felt really bad when I saw some of the babies at my house and how lucky we are compared to them. I’m glad I donated so many gifts to Tammie. My favorite was Malicia. I liked Malicia because he was very nice and smart. He helped some of the sixth graders try to put together a car and he knew were the parts went. Two of the babies are in the hospital right now and I hope they get better. I hope Malicia will get adopted to a nice family.

I learned that working in a group can benifit your grade. Two days ago, Mrs. Stephens put our reading class in groups to take a test. I am glad that I could run over my test with three other people.

I learned that even if your life dosen’t start off to well, but you get a lot of love then you maybe better than you were before. Always keep hope and share love and you will turn someone life around.

Yesterday I learned that is it good to give to those less fortunate than us. Seeing all of those babies made me feel that I wanted to get all of my savings and donate all of it. Of all of the 6 babies I felt the most bad for Aiden and Malikia (pronounced malikeye) they were very hurt and they were abused and injured. I didn’t know what to say to them. They were so very bright and smart it’s hard to believe that they had anything wrong with them. For my birthday I am going yo ask for money for myhouse

Today I learned about the pythagorean theorem in math class. It is A2+B2=C2. A stands for the leg of a triangle, B stands for the other leg of the triangle, and C stands for the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is the longest line in the triangle. At first I didn’t get it, but as we talked more about, I knew how to do.

When our grade went to My House, I felt very fortunte that I had a family and wasn’t hurt in anyway when I was little. Becasue of parents, if they do something to you when your young, it could change your life later on. I felt really bad about Maloca, but also happy because he is getting adopted soon. I think that the kids at My House will be very thankful for what Woodward has done so they can live a normal life some day.

Today I learned the true importance of self-control. If you can’t keep your self in control you can’t do much right. If no one kept themselves in control we would all be sloppy and the world wouldn’t run correctly. I admit sometimes I can’t keep myself in control and and the worst always comes from it. So if we can all keep ourselves in control the world can become a little bit better. Self-control is a very important thing, and today I learned just how important it really is. For some reason, today I thought about how the world would be if no one had self control.

Yesterday, I learned that it’s not so easy to work an ipad. I was having difficulties figuring out how to work the keypad on the screen, because every time I typed, it backspaced it up. The same thing was happening to Rebecca, but hers was with her attached keyboard. She helped me with mine, but when I tried to fix hers nothing happened. I guess her keyboard was bad! :C

Yesterday, I learned that it’s not so easy to work an ipad. I was having difficulties figuring out how to work the keypad on the screen, because every time I typed, it backspaced it up. The same thing was happening to Rebecca, but hers was with her attached keyboard. She helped me with mine, but when I tried to fix hers nothing happened. I guess her keyboard was bad! 🙁 Oh well!

I have learned that if you do something once you can do it again, but you just have to try and not complain. If you give up you will never learn. Once you figure it out again you will be so happy you will never forget and it may come in handy some other time. This happens to me all the time, but I always get it right in the end.

That is very true Katie. I think some people forget about what they are really capable of doing. The same thing will sometimes happen to me.

Over the holiday break I learned family is the most important thing in your life. I was with my dad and his family for the first half of the break. I was with my mom for the second part. The book I read over the break, December Stillness, showed me how important family is. There was a character in the book named Mr. Weems. Mr. Weems didnt have a home to go to and was hard pressed on food and warmth. He also did not have any family.

I am so glad you read December Stillness and that you realized it had a strong message about family.

Susan, I learned the same thing when I read December Stillness. I thought Mr. Weems would become friends with Kelly, but that didn’t happen.

I aGree with you, Susan. Think in this world, if we don’t have family, or someone we love, we don’t have anything.

I’m sorry, I meant I think in this world…

Today I created an online tech yes project. It was very easy to do. We did it because Mrs.Stephen told us that it was easier for her to check our projects than letting her check them in our books. I also agreed that it would be much easier for her to check it.

Today, I learned how cruel we as Americans have been to the Native Americans. The Eskimos, living as far north as they do, have even resorted to drinking achahol just so they have something to do in there day. Julie of the Wolves was a great example of how awful it really is. Also Native Amricans in the Continental U.S. have resorted to Gambeling so they have something to do when they awaken. There whole lives are nighmares. I wish there was something I could do, but there isn’t. If we as a whole could stand up for what we believe in, almost anything is possible.

I was inspired for this blog post by Julie of the Wolves. I also want to thank Mrs. Stephens for teaching me this important lesson.

Jack, I agree with you. Even though I didn’t read the book, I still became aware of what is happening. Thank you for sharing that because it helps others learn different things about other people and their habits. I wish their was something we could do to change that as well.

Jack, I bet if we all come together we could find some way to help them. I completely agree with you and Susan that there is something we should be able to do for them.

I have always thought that Americans are very cruel to native Americans, because we forced them out of their homes,and put them in reserves. I totally agree with all three of you.

I learned that disecting a worm wasnt that bad but it was a little nasty. I didn’t like how it looked but it was intersting.

Today I learned that it is important to not have apathy.I learned that apathy does not help you reach you goals but holds you back.I also learned that everyone makes mistakes so if you just forget a book or assignment that is not apathy.I learned to show that I’m not apathetic.I will allways try not to have apathy.

Maddy, I was so excited to read your post this afternoon. It is so important to learn about ourselves as learners and you learned that we all make mistakes but you do not want to be apathetic toward your life or learning. Thank you for sharing:)

I learned about apathy. During the meeting we talked about how apathy is not helpful at school, and after thinking about apathy isn’t helpful anywhere. If we are apathetic about something it’s our problem. We are the ones getting harmed by showing apathy and I don’t think we should be showing some joy in everything we do. Thank you Mrs. Stephens for letting us do this buddy journal.

Sorry about the errors. I saw them after posting the comment.

Corrected response

I learned about apathy today. During the meeting we talked about how apathy is not helpful at school, and after thinking about it, apathy isn’t helpful anywhere. If we are apathetic about something it’s our problem. We are the ones getting harmed by showing apathy, and I think we should be showing some joy in everything we do. Thank you Mrs. Stephens for letting us do this buddy journal.

Today I asked a very good question, or so my teacher thought. I was thinking about it, and wondered, “why do we need to know half of the things we learn? I mean, when in life are we ever going to need to know the Pythagorean theorem? It’s not like every time I see a triangle, I try to find out what it’s hypotenuse is. just wondering? Canon anyone answer this? /:(

Maybe when you are older and an inventor like you want to be every time you look at a triangle you will want to know it’s hypotenuse is so you can see if you could help the earth by inventing something using the triangles shape. Everything we learn is to help us in the future though it doesn’t always make sense what in life we would need it for.

Well, say someone was going into a job as a lawyer. When will they need to know it? I think you should only have to know whatever goes into your academic field.

“Instruction in literature, art, religion, philosophy, law and history provide students with a wealth of fascinating knowledge that helps students form a proper understanding of the world.”

I thought this was an interesting view on a complete and rounded education.
Genius question:) and I would love to hear what others think!!!

I like this quote, because it means that when you have a well-rounded education, you have a better understanding of the world we live in. You can also go into many different fields, and then decide what really is your passion, and what suits you the best. Thanks for answering my question, Mrs.Stephens! By the way, do you know who said that? I couldn’t find the author.

Sorry I meant can anyone, not canon anyone

This whole week has been a big learning experience. In the beginning of the week we learned about apathy. My definition of apathy is not caring about what you do or how you act. Being an apathetic person is not acceptable. Forgetting something at home once in a while is not apathetic, but forgetting to do something or just not doing it constantly is very apathetic. I hope people don’t see me as an apathetic person, because I don’t think I am at all!

Susan, I don’t think your apathetic at all. You are also a very good writer. That post was very well thought out and I liked your introduction. Overall I enjoyed reading this post.

All this week I have been learning about apathy. I don’t want to be an apathetic person , but I admit that sometimes I am. I hate to say this because I wish it weren’t true, but sadly it is. Whenever I am apathetic I feel bad about after. I hope everyone would forgive me for being apathetic, and I will hopefully be getting better at that problem of mine. If everyone could just be less apathetic our school could be a better place for the students and teachers. Especially for the teachers.

Today I learned how insightful, how acquisitive you all are as learners. Keep learning. That is the only way to live!

This week I wondered about two things: 1) when we were looking at the blog on Friday, I saw the cluster map, and saw that people all over the world were looking at this blog. I started to wonder how they found out about this blog. Did they look up classroom blogs? How did they find out. 2) Lookng at the map I also saw people in the Philippines looking at this. I wondered what interest they would have in this blog, and why don’t we ever see comments from them. If anybody has seen a comment from anyone other then Woodward people, please let me know

On Thursday I learned that perception is in fact everything. In art, Katie drew a cave. Rebecca and I thought it was a swing. Katie thought it sort of looked like one too. We realized that it’s just the way you perceive things. Someone else could see a swing, or a cave or a bridge. Also, we watched the trailer for the Hunger Games movie in art. Some people thought the actress for Katniss, the lead charecter, looked perfect, but I thought she was completely wrong. So, some people perceive things differently. It just depends on how you look at it.

I take that back! I’ve seen more of the movie trailers and I think the actress for katniss is perfect

These past couple days/weeks I have learned many great things! I learned that your not always going to get exactly what you want. I was hoping for a certain part in Flat Stanley, but I didn’t get it. I got a great part that I am very excited about, but not the part I was hoping for. I also learned you have to speak up, rather than not saying anything. If it’s an answer in class, that you think you have correct but not sure about it, or if it is just a conversation you are having with your friends. If you are not sure or happy about something, you always ask or say something. You could learn something new… 😉

This week I learned that sometimes you don’t get what you want. During the hockey unit, Katie never got the puck; and some people on our team got mad at me when the other team scored on me.

Im so sorry that I am behind on posts here are the next 5

Sorry, I mean four

Today I learned that when you compliment someone, it make stem feel good. I got my valentines, and after reading them, I felt so great! Most of them said I was very funny and creative and out-of-the-box and smart.i now know why we decided to do the you matter cards. It shows everyone that people do care about them. Thank you for this great idea, teachers!

I like doing the valentines, but I like reading them more.

Today I learned that some questions can’t ever be answered. Have you ever wondered why school is called school and not clock? What about why couches need to be soft and not hard? And why are rocks hard, not soft? I guess we’ll just never know!

Good point, Aalima. You got me thinking, do you remember the time in Mr. Key’s class we talked about how life would be if our noses where as long as crutches. I think Jack remember’s that. Good times.

Yes, Samhitha, we quite found out that life would be horrible yet terrific! you couldn’t see what was on the ground in front of you, but you could certainly hook on to objects with your nose that are far away. We talked about that when JACK had crutches. Mr.Key said. since Jack kept on tripping, That his nose must be as long as his crutch.

Today I learned that it is good to be responsible and a good student, but sometimes, you have to be laid-back. I was walking to lunch, and i was with anum, daisy, and Caitlin.we were wondering how it would be to be Mr.Lapham. He is religious, and wouldn’t live without it. One thing led to another, and we started talking about how it would be to be as school related as he is religious. It would be boring, we concluded, because you wouldn’t have a social life, and it would be BORING.

Good point. I agree, but back then no one had a social life.

Well, women did, but men were more eat, job,sleep! 😉

I learned that even if you don’t succeed you should always try again.For honors art I drew each picture at least 3 time one picture i even drew 10 times, but I didn’t give up till I was happy with it.

Katie, I learned that while drawing pictures for toe art portfolio, too.

I learned that people are the way they aare and nothing can change that. We have been seeing how long we can go without doing habits of ours. Rebecca has been trying not to gossip and Aalima has been trying not to talk. In the end it doesn’t last long because we are who we are and nothing can change that.

That’s true, Katie

Sorry about the punctuation error.

I thought of this around 3/1/12

Today I learned that everyday there people using the internet for the first time. I also learned that everyday millions of tweets are made, and many people are posting things on Facebook.

Thank you Mrs. Stephens for the website with the charts. 🙂

Today I learned that if you make something like an art contest you can’t let everyone be the judge. Aalima, Samhitha, Alec and I made an art contest and we have had six people ask us to be a judge to. Someone said yes to one of them after we had said no ti five others. We had to go back explain to that person why he or she could’t be a judge with us and it hurt his or her feelings. Let this be a lesson well learned.


My sister was talking about the bucket filler story we heard in fourth grade and then Brad started messing with me about being “evil”.It got me thinking about the people like Sahiti and Daisy who are always nice to everyone really are who you should be friends with. It wouldn’t be fun to be friends with someone who is always negitive and mean and in the end you may end up the wrong people. Maybe being a “goodie too-shoes” isn’t such a bad thing.

Last week, I learned that if you leave you’re papers out for other students to looks it at it is also cheating. You are giving out answers for everyone. You should cover up your answers whenever you’re doing independent work.

Today I learned you learn maying things in your life time, but you only remember a hand full. So you think about a lot and some you remember after someone talks about it. It is impossible to remember every small detail in life no matter how hard you try it just can’t be done. Even if you have a photographic memory.

I have been looking at the main campus human body projects and I have learned what they are like just by looking at these projects. This has taught me that you really need to put a lot of effort into EVERYTHING you do or else it will look like you don’t care. What you do and say tell people a lot about your personality. A boss at a law form may not want to hire you if you show up with blue hair. You don’t have to be fixing your hair every five seconds or even do everything perfect, but you at least need to try and look nice and show some effort. A few of the projects told be that they didn’t work hard at all and they didn’t care if they got a D, but some told me they put a lot of research into it and that they wanted a deserved that A.

Today me and a few other kids checked the boxes to see if anyone had put art in them for the March of Art. There was no pictures and only one first grader had turned something into Ms. Cleg. I learned not to expect much the first week some people put things like art off.

Today i learned that anything is possible. We were making boxes for the March of Art, and it seemed like an impossible task, because the boxes wouldn’t cut. Also, we took a math test today, and my grade for midterm was a 86. My first B ever! Well, i worked hard for two weeks, and finally pulled my grade back up! I thought i never would. One song by Roshon Fagen Says “anything is possible, with hard work there’s no obstacles!” I totally agree with him!

That is very true Aalima.

Today I learned that to not lie about school, or at any time. We are reading Nothing but the Truth in reading lass. Phillip Malloy, the main character, lied about himself at school and now is in big trouble with the newspaper and the school.

He also said Miss Narwin didn’t like him!! I wonder how many of us have said that about a teacher when we really just were mad with a grade or punishment?

Today in math I thought about how I didn’t have an AR book and that reminded me of the 6th grade requirements from the beginning of the year. Sometimes we forget things like that, but we can’t forget them at the end of the year asspecially or it could add to the spring fever.

Today I learned that you should always be quiet when a teacher is talking and to make sure no one else is talking even if you were doing what the teacher was asking for. We were in dance at the end and we were going to learn a little more of the jazz dance, but even after Mrs. Nutal started telling directions some people didn’t listen. Mrs. Nutal made us all leave even the few that weren’t talking and following directions.

What did you learn here besides being quiet?

Always to listen in class and always do what the teacher says.

Today in assembly a guy from the leukemia and lymphoma society told us how much money we have made for them. It got me thinking about how much a penny really matters to them and opened a how new door about this for me.

I went to the dentist and didn’t go back to school. I learned that you have to make sure that you turn in your homework from the day before, learn what you are going to miss, make sure to pack you back-pack before you go, and always know if you are going back to school or not before you leave the class room or else you may have to walk back upstairs before you can leave.

Yes, Katie, I also learned to have your backpack ready and work turned in before you go. ;D

I am so glad to hear you are impacted by this school activity! You are showing empathy and that is powerful, Katie

ON Thursday I learned not to follow what everyone else is doing, no matter how much you want to. During rehearsal (I won’t mention any names) some people were playing on their iPads. I wanted to get mine really badly, but I knew Mrs.Morgan had banned the use of iPads during rehearsal, and all electronics, for that matter! I decided to do the right thing, and follow Mrs. Morgan’s direct orders. I was glad that I did the right thing, because those kids did, in fact get in trouble. The sad thing was, a couple of them were in show choir, where the day before, Mrs. Morgan got upset at a few kids for that reason.

Also, to add to that, I’ve noticed that some of us don’t give Mrs.Morgan the respect she gives us! I think we should make the effort to respect her, and show her that we can be respectful, and not at all like those kids who took out their iPads and disrespected her. Who’s with me?!

This past week I learned to take initiative, and you will get rewarded. I asked for all of my work ahead of time, and some teachers were very impressed with me, since I took initiative. Coach Brown liked the fact that I didn’t leave any of the other teachers out, and included my special teachers. So, when you take initiative, people appreciate it, and you feel good inside! Now, I won’t have as much make-up work 😀

Today I learned that it is smart to keep your priorities straight. I was in play practice,and since I don’t have such a big part, instead of talking as much as i normally do with my friends, I decided to do as much homework as i could. I was glad I did and when I went home, I had about five minutes of homework, and have some free time, which I haven’t had in a while 😀 . All I had was to finish my social studies homework. If you keep your priorities straight, then you will find homework at home becomes less and less!

Today I learned that just because it says there is rehearsal till a certain time that doesn’t mean it will take that long. Today it said there was practice till 4:30 and we ended at 3:35. I ended up having to go to after care for a long time.

Today I learned about how stressful moving and packing up a house is. For the past couple weeks, my mom has been packing every day to get us ready to move. We sold our house and had to be out in about two and half- three weeks. It’s put a ton of stress and pressure on my mom. I have tried to help with everything I could, but that’s not much. I have to go to school, then get home and do homework. By the time I’m finished there’s not much I can do to help. Luckily, we are almost finished packing. We are ready to move! I can’t wait!

last week I learned that it is not good to be a forgetful person.I accidentally left my jacket at home, and I was freezing! I realized that since I was forgetful, I had to suffer some consequences. Also, I forgot to turn in some work for Mrs.Cooper, and it was a week late. I received a very low grade, and my overall average suffered because of that. I still had an A!

Today I learned that sometimes you have to just go with the flow. In our social studies group projects, we have divided up into two different parts: Timeline and Map. We couldn’t figure out how to make our plan of incorporating the timeline into the map would work. Half of us were thinking of something, and the other half of the group, something else. we learned to cooperate, and we all realized that we had to just go with whichever way worked better, and go with the flow.

During the 5:30 rehearsals for Flat Stanley, I learned that if your leader has no idea what he or she is doing, you have to find another leader. During the play, the Stage Manager had no idea what was going on, so we only had a two person stage crew(one person was on curtain). The other person and I decided that I would be the leader, because I was the older of the two people and I knew what was going on. The play did turn out fine, and we did end up teaching the Stage Manager what to do and when to do it.

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