London, 1843


Posted by debbiestephens | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 30, 2011

Share some background for our drama! What was it like to live in London in 1843?

Comments (21)

In Dickens time there was an outbreak of diesease from the water since it was dirty and unsanitary.

Many people were very poor and they valued money differently. If you were poor you would live in an overcrowded house with many other families with disease spreading. The S.S Great Britain launched in 1843.

The Burning of the Parliment is the popular name of the fire that destoryed the Palace of Westmenister. The fire started from over heated chimmny fleus.

There was Chinese immigrants started coming, in the same year Charles Thurber patened the typewriter. There was disease all around London quickly spreading.

Were there problems with the economy? How did most people make a living?

There were problems in the economy because of the disease spending rapidly.

In 1843, London was very differrent to what it is now. People were much poorer and some were much richer. The money was different, the houses were different, and the money was named and valued differenty.

Life was alot different in 1843 because they did not have as much money back then. There was a proplem in the Economy. The proplem was that their was a disease that was spreading really fast. People made a living by becoming pioneers.

Many things happened in around London in 1843. The SS Great Britian was launched. The Economist begins publication. Charles Dickens also published Martin Chuzzlawit.

London was very different that it is today. The air was fility and dirty back then. Mud and dirt would rest on the streets has people would walk over it. It was also a hard time for some people. The people who was poor struggled to hold a roof over their heads. I am glad that things have improved today.

Yes there were great issues with the economy. That was also one of the reasons Charles Dickens had such a difficult childhood.

In 1842, London was nothing like it was today. The streets and the city was very dirty and they had tons of very dangerous sicknesses. They also were very strict when it came to the law and debts. If you owed money to someone or something and if you didn’t pay it in time, you were thrown in jail.

It depends where you lived, if you lived in the city you would probably work in a factory, but if you lived in a village you would probably be a farmer or a herder

The Industrial Revolution began in Britian. People would move to into town because of factories

In that time many men wore big hats and it was divided between rich and poor. I was one of a the few people to be what you may call it wealthy at the time. The money was named and valued differently than it is today. Since I was poor I lived in an elegant house and I would try to take in little children that are very pro and have no were to live. I felt very bad for the people who were poo and could not live in a house like me. Who lived in a overcrowded disease ridden squaler which they had to share with other families. Now I am not saying that I was the richest person on the planet. I was not I just had a little more money than others because the economy was so bad. To a very nice event I would were a gown with a shaw and gloves. For everyday I would usually were a not very fancy gown because I would go in town and shop or have lunch.

I meant to say rich in the begging sort:o

Lodon was over crowded due to because of the industrial revelution. There were many poor people who lived in London. There were soup lines and even charities that were run because of so many people that were poor. One bad problem was that they didn’t even have an adequate sewer system.

In 1849 Gold was discovered in California. This brought big money problems because people sold every thing they had to find gold and came back with nothing. These people were called forty-niners.

London was overcrowded like most other towns in this period, due to the Industrial Revolution. There were many areas where poor people lived in cramped and crowded conditions. there we’re many societies devoted to helping the poor, they manned soup kitchens, built model dwellings, opened orphanages, and pressed for public reform. One major problem was the lack of an adequate sewage system, which meant that disease spread quickly due to unclean water. A Royal Commission was appointed in 1847 to enquire into the sanitary conditions of London.

In 1843, London was very differrent to what it is now. People were much poorer and some people were much richer. The money was different. The houses were different. The money was named and valued differently.

1843 was very different than life right now. Most people were very poor, but some were rich. There was much more diseases spreading and killing people. The money was valued differently,too.

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