Celebrating Curiosity


Posted by debbiestephens | Posted in Learning | Posted on January 26, 2012

How are you curious? Have you tried being curious in a classroom lately? What genius questions did you ask? Which question are the most proud of?


Comments (21)

Ms. Stephens, I will use your idea. When I find something we are studying uninteresting I will make a list of questions. I am enjoying our little unit on curiosity.

Cute Picture! 🙂

I like the Curious Geoorge picture too!

Good job posting so early.

I like the picture too!!! 🙂

I am curious by asking questions and always wanting to learn more. I feel I have not been curious lately. I am planning to ask a genius question in math today! I am proud of the rock question I had yesterday because the answer is very interesting. I am enjoying our curiosity and rock unit!

I get curious very easily. I am very excited that we are doing this unit on rocks. I have learned so many things about rocks that I never knew before!

I am also very curious.

When you told us that we were going to talk about rocks, I was very curios on what we would do next. I decided to watch your rock video again and see what you did to make it intresting. That was pictures, backround, and the music. I am proud of myself for being curios in all my classes and asking questions every day. Because of me being curios, I get my questions answered.

Mrs. Stephens I liked your advice of how to make things interesing, when they sound boring. Thank You for teaching me this important lesson. I am curious in many ways. I am very cuios in ancient history, arcitecture, and space outside of planet earth. Lately I have tried to be curios in te Phoenicians but I think they are boring people. I hav tried to ake the interesting bu I can’t. Luckily I think we are finished with te unit. I can’t think of a very genious question I have asked.

Jack, I feel the same way. I feel that this is a very important lesson for everybody. Some people think that you are I am not courious because you aren’t as good at a subject as your other friend is. You could be courious but not be a math expert but you could always make A’s in Reading.

I am curious to ask questions during class. Our unit on rocks was boring at first, but with curiosity it becomes more interesting. In tutorial yesterday, I asked what the subject would be if it is an interrogative sentence. Mrs. Cooper said t make it a declaritive sentence.

Mrs. Stephens I liked how our class is doing a small unit on Curiosity and how we are learning about rocks. I try being curious but sometimes it too obvious that I am faking it. I am not good on asking genius question. ” Why are rocks important?”


Lately, I have been more curious. This new unit on curiosity is sparking my interest in something I never thought I would like:Rocks! The question I found the most interesting was Alex R.’s. Wow! I had no idea there are so many rocks in the universe, let alone one world! I think being curious is one of the most important virtues in our life!


I was curios if you could take a JPG out of a word file.You can.I was also curous if you could cut PVC with a saw.You can.I will try to be more curios int the classroom!;0

Using curiosity is a way of life. If you don’t ask questions then you wont have any curiosity in you life. While learning about rocks I have had lots of curiosity even thought right when I started I thought it was going to be boring.


I don’t think I am as curious as I should be. At OotM I was wondering i our script and whole skit would work out the way we wanted it. It did, after a lot of changing parts and fixing some things. I’m going to try to become much more curious! 🙂

I was also curious about how our script would work, and it was very fun performing with you!

I think that I am a very curious person because I am always wondering about different ideas in life. Whenever one of my questions is answered, the answer makes me think of another question that no one knows the answer to. I have tried being curious in the classroom lately because I was wondering how to use a table of contents on the wiki. Luckily, Mrs. Stephens could answer that question for me. I have asked some genius questions lately such as, “Who was the first human, and how was it created.” My goal for this year is to ask as many questions as I can.

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