Winston Churchill said……


Posted by debbiestephens | Posted in Learning | Posted on March 15, 2012

“Success is never final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

How does this apply to your life at school or anywhere? Share some ideas about this quote and how you could or do apply it to your life?

Comments (12)

The first part of this quote definitely apply’s to my life. For me at school success is never final, there is always something that could bring my grades down. When I finally get my grades up there is a pop quiz blocking my way. This brings me to the second part of the quote.
Failure cannot be fatal. If you fail something it should never bring your spirits down. It is not a fatal accident. I is your fault, and you just need to accept that to move on. That brings me to the third part of the quote.
Courage is what counts. You need to have the courage to succeed and you need to have the courage to accept failure and move on. Courage is what I think of as one of the most important things to have to succeed in school. You need to apply it to your life. Courage is what gets you up in the morning. Courage gets you through all of the hardships in your way during the day. Courage is life.

Wow that was deep!

It applies to school because of grades. You can never keep your grade at 100% because one day that grade will go down. When you earn a high grade, this gives you confidence to do even better the next time. You can never succeed in the everything. If you fail, you can always go back up to a better score. All you have to do is try hard and have a growth mind set.

In tennis matches, you can never win every match, but if you try no matter what throughout the whole match, you will have a greater chance of winning. Just because you lose a tennis match doesn’t mean you should never try again and give up. You should keep on going no matter what gets in your way because one day you can do it. One day, you can show the world that you have the right attitude to do so. You control your own actions and it’s your choice in what happens.

The first part of the quote is “success is never final”. One reason this has to do with me is that if my grade are up, you never know when there is a suprise test that you would never think would bring down your grades but it does. Also when I’m racing, when you right at the finish line there might be someone right behind you who will sneak by you and win the race.
The second part is “falure is not fatal”. You might fail a test but its not “the end of the world” just because you didnt get the grade that you wanted. You should gain you confidance level and do the things that you need to do to make the next test you take have a good grade. You can’t just do a sport like Alec was saying and just give up because you lost a game. You have to be confident and do better the next game.
The thrid part is saying that its not if you pass or fail, its the courage that modivates you do better that matters. Like before if you fail a test you cant just give up, you have to give yourself the courage to continue.

The first part, succes is never final, means that no matter how high you can acheive, you should always aim for higher, and there always is a better grade you can get. Failure is not fatal means that just because say, you failed one test or quiz, you won’t die! You will have another chance to pull it back up. Finally, it’s the courage to keep moving on that counts, means that it doesn’t matter how bad you do, if you keep on trying, and try your best, that’s what makes It count.
You can apply this in your life when you are taking tests, and receive your midterms, and pull your grades up. This is a very valuable lesson to learn.

Sorry for the lateness, but I was out the entire day and just came back home.

This quote will applies to my life at school and everywhere else. The first part “Success is never final” means that you should always keep working to better your self. Even if you accomplish something you should keep working at it. For example you should always work to keep your grades up because one grade can bring them down. The second part of the quote means that you should never give up. Just because you did poorly on one assignment you can always bring your grade up. The third part of the quote means that its not all about doing the best its about trying your hardest.

Any personal situations where this quote would apply?

Success is never final means that if we made good grades in the last grading period, there is always time to work harder and get higher grades.

The second part means that if we made bad grades last grading period, it does not mean we can’t get better grades this grading period.

Sorry about the late post. I didn’t see it.

This quote means that if even if you have a bad grade or your life becomes hard, you keep on going and persavere. This has happened in my life a couple of times. One is when my parents got divorced, I kept my grades up and was happy. Another example is when I was at an 84 in Math in the first quarter. I persavered and moved it to a 95!

That’s a very meaningful quote! It means that success hat you make is not impossible to be changed and it may change. It’s not the end of the world if you do make a mistake or fail in something. All you need is the courage in yourself, to keep going and not let whatever happened hurt you or mess you up in doing something. Some examples I think of when I read this quote:
– “Success is never final”, I was able to finish my TechYes and upload it to the wiki. Soon after when I had Alex check it, he said my slides were to fast. Once I looked back I did agree that they were too fast. I went and changed it, then re uploaded to the wiki. He checked it and said it was great. Then Mrs. Stephens check it and said I should change some font colors. So I did and now it is PERFECT!
– “Failure is not fatal”, and “It is the courage to continue that counts”, I have messed up on one of my math tests and got an awful grade. It didn’t stop me, and I tried as hard as I could to make an “A” in math and I did! That was the courage I had to continue.

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